Saturday, November 30, 2019

Literacy Test Preparation Essays - Writing, Education In Ontario

Literacy Test Preparation Writing a Series of Paragraphs (Opinion Writing) Series of Paragraphs (5 paragraph format) Literacy Test Task: Write a minimum of three paragraphs expressing an opinion about the topic given Develop your main idea with supporting details (proof, facts, examples etc.) The audience: adults interested in your opinion The lined space provided indicates the approximate length of writing expected Example: Topic: Is it a good idea for high school students to have a part-time job? Length: Approximately 2 pages **page 16-18 2008-2009 osslt book What to do BEFORE you write: Read all instructions carefully Form an opinion about the topic 3. List reasons (supports) for your opinion as well as details, examples or facts to back them up Complete this work in the rough notes section provided in your OSSLT booklet, this work is not marked Identify which of these supports is the weakest, second strongest to strongest Is it a good idea for high school students to have a part-time job? YES!!! Start to build a resume Make your own spending money Need something to do with my spare time See what type of work I like doing or dont like doing NO!!! I want to focus my free time on studying I want to be involved in extra curriculars instead My parents give me an allowance Take away from time I spend with my friends Pick a side... It doesnt really matter what your personal opinion is on the OSSLT, it matters what you can write the most about. Go back a slide, which option (Yes or No) could you write a more detailed paragraph about? Writing a series of paragraphs Decide on the format of your answer You should write using the 5 paragraph format (even though the instructions from the OSSLT booklet will suggest you write a minimum of 3 paragraphs) Write your paragraphs in the third person voice Do not use I, I think or in my opinion Review your rough notes to decide what information will be written in which paragraph Introduction Paragraph # 1 Write a topic sentence- explain the topic or provide a definition if needed Include an opinion statement (thesis)- state your opinion about the topic and list your 3 supports Body Paragraphs # 2, 3 and 4 In each paragraph, select one of your arguments that support your opinion from your rough work Include examples and specific details to emphasize your explanation Explain how your support backs up your opinion Conclusion Paragraph Re-state or re-word your opinion statement (thesis) Summarize your supports

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Father in Father of the Bride essays

The Father in Father of the Bride essays Father of the Bride had Steve Martin play the role of the father, George Banks. Spencer Tracy played the same role in the 1950s original. While the actors change, the character remains the same. Banks is an exceptional husband and a very loving father who turns into a major nutcase following his daughters revelation that she was getting married. Coming home from her semester in Europe, Annie drops a bombshell on her father when she tells him that she is engaged to be married to a guy named Bryan. The character encompasses all the quirks and whims of a man obsessed with his daughters image as the little girl he used to play with who is suddenly old enough to get married. He cannot come to terms with the reality and hence goes into this really hysterical state of mind where he hates everything about the wedding and everyone connected with him. Like any father, he doesnt think any guy is suitable enough for his darling girl. He cannot stand Bryan and thus hates the very idea of this wedding, which he believes, would cost him an arm and a leg. The most hilarious line is spoken when the guests list is being prepared and father is obsessing over the increasing number of guests and the cost associated with it. He discovers that one of the guests on the list has died, unable to control his excitement, he blurts out: He is dead. Thats great! Fathers appearance is exactly what it should have been considering their suburban lifestyle. He fits the image of a loving father who has always believed in providing for his family. It must be mentioned here that while Tracy was more a sturdy figure representing the average father in 1950s, Martin has a trendier yet casual appearance keeping with the changing times. The change is appearance is subtle but honest. It represents the changes that have occurred in American lifestyle over the last 40 years. Tracys role as the obsessed fathe ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

An Interpretation of John Keats’ To Autumn Essay Example for Free

An Interpretation of John Keats’ To Autumn Essay Poems by John Keats are a source of inspiration. He plays with his readers and takes them to places and times with his words. What inspiration does Keats bring? He inspire his readers to go beyond his words and discover a new world he creates. He makes his words so colorful and alive it is almost musical to the ear. When one reads Keats, he wonders what’s in his heart when he wrote his particular poem and makes him want to be in Keats world and senses. In this particular review, I tried to see Keats world of autumn from afar. A world detached, to objectively examine and look at autumn as Keats paints it with his words. I also wanted to get a perspective of Keat’s style with words, of how he uses them as a vehicle for others to journey to his world. In this same review, I tried to experience the world that Keats created and feel both the experience of his symbols and my comprehension of what he symbolizes autumn to be. The formal and thematic aspect of the poem will be commented on but this interpretation will be candid as I believe Keats wanted his poem read. 1 2 Throughout the three stanzas of the poem, Keats has maintained the ten syllable measure of each line, although, the foot measure of syllable stressed is a little slacked. As in the lines, â€Å"Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find† and some more. Reading aloud the verse, Drows’d with the fume of poppies, while thy hook spares the next swath and all its twined flowers: I could not quite place the stress of the syllables to create a rhythmic sound. I call it literary license, Keats permit his reader to make a decision and choose the way to vocalize his poem. The first stanza is vibrant and tells us of bounty. It is a direct contradiction of autumn or fall as the season is the time when trees begin to bare its leaves and fruits are scarce. But in this poem, Keats describes autumn as the climax of summer, †Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;† mist and mellow here are used as a welcoming scenario to a world filled with life and produce. The last word of the first line fruitfulness rhyming with bless on the third line and sustaining the rhythmic scale throughout the stanza gives a musical air as one reads the poem aloud. The stanza tells us also of a promise of continuity. â€Å"To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells with a sweet kernel; to set budding more, and still more, later flowers for the bees,† true to the rhythm of his verses, Keats described autumn as a time when seeds are planted for life to continue. It tells as of a beginning of a season, fresh and ready for a new experience in a manner where the season before it, which is summer, in the festivities of plenty and not as a dying season ready to be forgotten and left behind. Autumn in Keats† dedication receives Summer’s gift of plenty, it began as a climax of summer and therefore, promise to be a season 3 of new discoveries and not as bleak as shedding away the leaves of trees to forgetfulness. In the second stanza, the word flowers does not rhyme with any other words at the end of each line. I need to read the poem aloud and discover a rhythm for it to make the poem alive, it gets into a perfect rhyme with the word â€Å"spares’ if that’s where I put the measure at the end of the first line, thus, â€Å" Drows’d with the fume of poppies, while thy hook Spares / the next swath and all its twined flowers.† The same with the last two lines of the second stanza, â€Å"Or by a cyder-press, with patient look, Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours,† by simply repeating the word, the seemingly ignored rhyme is captured. This is my personal preference of setting the rhythmic pattern of vocalizing the poem, although, the rhyme pattern of the three stanzas comes out to be ababacacaaa, ababcdecdde, and ababcdecdde, in this particular order. It can be observed that the first stanza follows an independent rhyme pattern from the other two stanzas. Keats may have done it intentionally to stress the change of tone of the second stanza that is presented as a question. Why could Keats have done this? As I get absorbed in the autumn scenario of the first stanza, feeling the cool air and seeing laden apple trees bend, the mossed cottage, the vines and more, feeling the climax of summer shared into the start of autumn, and as I get lost to the world that Keats painted with his words, somebody shoots a question like, †Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?† and I was reminded that I am not alone. It was not even a question in the sense that Keats emphasized the beauty of the season being one that cannot be ignored. If he likened autumn as a stage of life’s journey and we choose the paths that we travel on, in the roads we took as we travel in this world, we met people to keep us company, 4 sometimes partway, the greatest thing maybe is to find beauty in life that keeps us company all through the journey. Reading the second stanza brings another question to my mind. What do I really seek for in this life? Why does Keats made me ask this when he wrote, â€Å"Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,† What Keats said in this line is that there are people who sought for things in this life away from where they really are and in fact, what they are seeking for is just within reach. Very clearly he meant happiness, he meant beauty of living, the beauty of living in the here and now. Keats wanted to tell his readers that we need not wait for what we can achieve in the future to experience the joy of being alive. We need only to be aware of the blessings we could find in the present to feel that joy that we seek for in our journey. The third stanza is a validation of the second stanza both in form and interpretation. I noticed that both have the same rhyme pattern and both starts with a question. It tells us of men looking out for joy too far out as in spring in autumn failing to notice that joy is just within reach. â€Å":Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they?†, Keats wanted us to know that in this life’s journey, happiness is not about the things we reap in the future but of finding happiness in every endeavor that we do without waiting for whatever fruits or rewards we earned as a result of our works. He tells us that like spring or summer or winter, autumn carries within itself its own music like the wailful choir of small gnats, the loud bleats of full-grown lambs, the songs of crickets, the whistles from garden croft, the twitter of the swallows. Keats wanted his readers to discover them. The choice of the word â€Å"wailful†, the reader can almost hear the liquid fall of tears of the gnats† mournful music. Sad, yet in Keats world of words 5 they represented life’s emotions that eventually gives meaning to everyone’s existence. He pictures autumn’s soft dying day with rosy hue and not with the bleak grey or the dying blackness of the welcoming dark, but of shades of the rose, full of life, full of promise, perhaps of another day ahead, a goodnights sleep, a beautiful dream, a walk in the moon? Or whatever the good life brings in the third part of man’ life. The poem is not necessarily strict with the academic form of the poem although as much as possible Keats wanted to adhere to the scholarly it dictates. In this form, the poem creates a character of free spirit and that refused to be tamed. The three stanzas o f the poem expresses a discipline. It follows a form respecting rhyme, measure, rhythm, color, and all the constituents of this form of literature. Yet, it does hesitate to lay away the conventional to express the soul of his expression as Keats diversion from the rhyming pattern to the rhyming pattern he followed on the second and third stanza. The syllabic measure of the words spares and flowers are left to the decision of the reader, making the reader an active participant to the interpretation of the poem. The three parts of the poem suggest the three stages of man’s life at a point of view, being at birth and early life, maturity and finally at the golden old age of man. But Keats only suggest, because all three speaks of seeking the joy of finding the beauty that life brings. The poem itself, as a form, is music to the ears. His play of rhythm, rhyme, and choice of words, in the context of emotionally attaching the self during its vocalization is like listening to the music of nature. The poem vividly expressed the colors of autumn using nature’s characters as in â€Å"rosy hue†. It does not boast with lengthy lines, numerous stanzas, academic words to express the simplicity of enjoying life, in life’s term. 6 The poem â€Å"To Autumn† is a metaphor. Keats represented the season as man’s objects of his endeavors. In the same manner, the times of the seasons’ days represented man’s three stages in life. Why has Keats chosen autumn to represent ingredients of life’s journey? Maybe because of the colors it creates as the season journeys towards another. Maybe because autumn carries with itself the fruitful harvest of summer and links itself to the preparation winter does for a new life in spring. All these are speculations, and these speculations made me look into my life and my attitudes towards life as a journey. A lot of interpretations had considered â€Å"To Autumn† as one of the greatest odes that Keats had written. â€Å"Written in September of 1819, this piece is regarded as his most achieved ode.† 1. If all forms of writing, in different degrees of exertions aims to manipulate the reader’s mind to a certain mode of thoughtfulness, then Keats’ has manipulated mine into a romantic mode of communing with nature as a tool of reflection. He has vividly painted a picture of a season with words so successfully so that its form takes life and invited its readers to experience the joys of the season. It invited everyone to forget about worrying so much about future and take the joys of life in the here and now. 1 Analysis of Keats’ Poem To Autumn Essay. An Interpretation of John Keats’ To Autumn. (2017, Mar 11). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Philosophy - Essay Example Aristotle points out that nature of causes determines the nature of the causes’ objectives and the friendships differ in species (Aristotle, 78). Aristotle claims that to love for pleasure is only to love for utility as love for utility x while mean an individual loves x for pleasure (Pangle 56). Accordingly, utility varies with each individual, as older people are more inclined to seeking utility relationships (Aristotle, 1156a25). In this case, Aristotle clarifies that what is relative is not enduring. Aristotle defends his argument by outlining that This essay will explore the strengths of objections to the argument in order to confirm Aristotle argument on the nature of true friendships. Objectors to key premises Opponents of Aristotle argument outline that relationships develop after a long period of time and long-term relationships are more meaningful than short-term relationships. In this case, objectors point out those individuals who take time to form intimate and clo ser relationships will avoid the temptations of pleasurable and transitory relationships that entail utility considerations. The opponents assert that life is ever-changing with new forms of friendships thus individuals must aim at attaining satisfactory at every day. The objectors assert that the nature of certain relationships entail unequal exchanges and the amount of love must be equivalent to proportion to the utility obtained by each person. Case example of such relationships includes rule-subject relationship and father-son relationship. In this case, the subject will display more love for the ruler if he or she believes is getting enough utility from the ruler (Pangle 100). Replies to objections Aristotle counters the objections by asserting that ‘true friends’ are good in themselves and virtues since they wish well to their friends and desire to maintain the friendship. True friends will be pleasant and useful to each other and do not enter in to incidental fri endships that are based on expected pleasures or utility (Pangle 67). Aristotle clarifies that love for utility means that an individual loves for pleasure and love for pleasure only is to love for utility thus the love is based on extrinsic reasons. In this case, some lovers complain their excess love is not reciprocated while beloved may complain that his lover promised some pleasures, but performs nothing of those expectations. A case scenarios will arise when the lover loves the other for the sake of attaining pleasure while the beloved for the sake of utility and both do not possess the qualities expected in the relationship. Aristotle demonstrates that the friendship will cease to exist if the parties do not receive the things that formed the motive of love since each did not love each other for the sake of their likeable characters and qualities. From the argument, Aristotle concludes that love for pleasure and utility is transient unlike love formed on the basis of character s and qualities that are self-dependent and do not change with time (Pangle 234). The utility in friendships is relative to the needs as older people are oriented towards the expedient seek utility relationships. Individuals who are guided by feelings seek to satisfy such feelings as evidenced by young personas who engage in routine activities such as football games in order to satisfy their pleasure and erotic feelings of young persons. The satisfaction of the underlying feelings leads to pleasure, but feelings change with time thus making the relationship not enduring (Pangle 167). Theoretical observations Aristotle articulates that genuine friends loves and likes the other person for the same of that other person and friendship entails reciprocal goodwill. Aristotle offers three types of friendships that include

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wwek2 dicussions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wwek2 dicussions - Case Study Example Secondly, an individual may also fill the tax advice document claim form to inquire on how to handle non-disclosure matters. It mainly helps the taxpayer to provide information that he ought to have filed with the tax return but was discovered late. In addition, individuals may also fill the tax contextual information disclosure form. The option implies to the IRS that the taxpayer is sincere and may not recommend any audit process to unveil any undisclosed income information. Thirdly, a client may also make a voluntary disclosure in the case of offshore accounts since it makes them become compliant and avoid criminal prosecution. Such an option shows the taxpayer is willing to cooperate, and, therefore, the IRS may waive the penalty and may not indulge auditing team to probe the client. Finally, the client may decide to take the risk and wait to be summoned by the IRS for non-disclosure. However, this option may land the client in trouble. As a practitioner, I recommend that the client becomes sincere and retrieves the missing information from his partner. After that, he should voluntarily disclose to the IRS all the income information that were not disclosed. One should file the amended return information or contact IRS immediately to avoid penalties or any criminal prosecution that may arise. Acting sincerely without any push helps the client avoid IRS audits. Desai, R., & Roberts, R. (2012). Deficiencies in the Code of Conduct: The AICPA Rhetoric Surrounding the Tax Return Preparation Outsourcing Disclosure Rules.  Journal of Business Ethics,  114(3), 457-471.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The importance of reading Essay Example for Free

The importance of reading Essay Reading has at all times and in all ages been a source of knowledge, of happiness, of pleasure and even moral courage. In todays world with so much more to know and to learn and also the need for a conscious effort to conquer the divisive forces, the importance of reading has increased. In the olden days if reading was not cultivated or encouraged, there was a substitute for it in the religious sermon and in the oral tradition. The practice of telling stories at bed time compensated to some extent for the lack of reading. In the nineteenth century Victorian households used to get together for an hour or so in the evenings and listen to books being read aloud. But today we not only read, we also want to read more and more and catch up with the events taking place around us. The various courses and classes being conducted in rapid reading support this belief. A person who is widely read is able to mix with others: he is a better conversationalist than those who do not read. He can stand his ground. Reading broadens the vision. it is in a way a substitute for travel. It is not possible to travel as much as one would like to and reading can fill in the gap created by the lack of travel. Reading, as Bacon wrote in his essay. Of Studies. maketh a full man: conference a ready man: and writing an exact man. Thus a widely-read man is a better conversationalist and is able to see the other point of view. Literature is a form of art which can cross barriers and if one does not know the language in which a piece of literature is written, one is willing sometimes to learn the language. Even if one does not learn a language one reads the literary work in translation. This contributes to the growth of understanding and tolerance amongst people. Reading also helps one to see the present in relation to the past and the future, and thus develop a historical perspective. Care is needed to ensure that reading does not become a substitute for real life. The moment one ceases to enjoy the ordinary pleasures and happiness of life and is content to enjoy them vicariously through fictional and historical representations, one loses all the benefits of reading and loses contact with life. With the cinema and television taking up a great deal of attention of children, teenagers and even adults, the habit of serious reading is dying out. People are content to read abridged versions.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Bay :: The Hudson’s Bay Company

INTRODUCTION The Hudson’s Bay Company is the oldest incorporated merchandising company in the world. The Bay has remained in business in North America after its incorporation on May 2, 1670 by the Royal Charter. The official title of the company is, â€Å"The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudson’s Bay†. This title is usually shortened to â€Å"Hudson’s Bay Company† or, just â€Å"the Bay. I was attracted to the Hudson’s Bay Company because firstly, I am frequently shop at the Bay. As a result of this, I would like to show the pride and respect I have for this successful company and its great history. Secondly, I have easy access to the information required to complete this independent study. Lastly, as I am not an expert when it comes to the operations of the company, this independent study will enable me to achieve a deeper understanding of management, and how it affects me. I utilized a number of resources in order to create this report. The resources are: Hudson’s Bay Company Annual Repoorts of 1996, 1997, 1998, Employee Training handbook, the Internet, and magazines. I combined these resources to produce a very informative report on the Hudson’s Bayu Company. In addition to this, the resources I used gave me a chance to cover many aspects and areas of this corporation. The topics covered in this report are: Company Profile, Human Resources, Customer Services, Organization, and Community Involvement. I included these types of information to give you, the reader, a deep interpretation of the Hudson’s Bay Company. To understand how the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) became the corporation it is today, a brief history is needed to gain some background knowledge. In the Bay’s first century of existence, it created forts on the Hudson Bay and traded furs to the Native Peoples. In the Bay’s second century, competition from the North West Company was acknowledged and responded to. This total time period of 200 years assisted in the discovery of Canada. In 1821, the two competitors merged under the name of Hudson’s Bay. In the twentieth century, HBC began to concentrate on retailing which is it’s primary activity today. Between 1913 and 1968, HBC made downtown department stores in the major cities of western Canada. As time rolled along, the Bay moved into eastern Canada and the suburbs of major Canadian cities.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Internet Marketing Essay

Topshop is clothing store selling clothes, shoes and jewellery; they have stores in nearly all towns across the UK. Topshop also has an online store that you can buy they’re products from and they deliver to your home for a small price. You can order your chosen products wherever you are in the world, as they deliver worldwide. Also on the Topshop website you can choose the language preferred to shop online making it easier for people to use. If you change the language to shop on the Topshop website the currency automatically changes. This allows the business to sell globally, which will make them a lot more profit. Topshop also use social networking sites and mobile apps to support their communication, as they have a Facebook and Twitter page to promote their products and answer any questions from customers. Also Topshop have a mobile app so you can save, send and share all your favourite looks, and shop the pieces you’re after from their website. This is a great way of promotion as everyone today uses social networking websites, so it’s a way for them to be seen and keep up to date with what people are wearing and what people want. Topshop can also promote their last minute promotions such as sales through their website and mobile app. There are plenty of advantages for this, as not only is it money efficient it’s quick and Easy and can be seen by a lot of people. Using their website to promote sale is money efficient as they already have the website and the staff working it, if they printed out flyers or advertised in magazines etc. it would cost a lot more and it would probably be seen by less people. Topshop also sells ranges from different designers other than themselves; I think they do this to attract customers who buy from them specific designers to buy from them. Also this gives them a lot more variety and they will make a profit from it. ASDA also have an online store, which they sell everything from food to car insurance. ASDA tries to engage customers on their website by the use of videos, slide shows, animated backgrounds and their own radio station you can listen to online. They do this so people will want to look further into the website and hopefully buy the advertised products. Also the slideshows appears on the home page of the website, so people can see everything they provide on the first page. ASDA have a lot of competitors such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s etc. so they are constantly updated and new things to their website to beat the competitors. ASDA have identified new market development opportunities such having an in store opticians and pharmacy, doing this not only helps them make a profit but it keeps them ahead of their competition. River Island communicates with their customers through their website very well as they give customers a choice to make an online account; this is so the customers can keep record of their orders, order faster and efficiently. This helps them understand their customers as they know what their customers want and it benefits them as they know what sells the most and is popular with their target audience. River Island’s website provides the opportunity for the customers to use their online size guide for both men and woman, so their customers buy the correct sizes that customers will feel comfortable in. I think this is really effective for both the business and the customer, as the business will have fewer complaints and returned from the wrong sizes. For the customer this is good because you know that you will defiantly buy the size that fits and you don’t need to worry about sending them back or not having an outfit on time.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Career Comes Before Marriage

CAREER COMES BEFORE MARRIAGE Everyone must have own chosen a career as they grow up. There are many types of career that can be found in the society. For example, doctor, lawyer, engineer, teacher, police and so on. A lot of people claim that career should come before marriage. Is it right to put career first before marriage? Some people may say yes, some people may say no. From my view, I think career should come before marriage. There are some reasons why I feel that career should come before marriage. Firstly, I think everyone must have his own career before marriage.Before marriage, we would not have too many family problems as we do not have too many family members before we build our own small family. Therefore, we can concentrate in our career. As we focus on our career, it will become easier to achieve success in our career. For instant, a person who is not yet married or does not yet have any children can put more effort into his career. As he concentrates in his career, he may be able to perform as best as he can. Hence, I truly think career should come before marriage.Other than that, we will have a stable income when we have our own career even if we are successful or not. A stable income enables us to take care of ourselves or our family. As an example, we need money to buy daily requirement, food, clothes, books and many. When we have our own career, we must have income. Maybe this income will only be enough for our spending. When we achieve success in our own career, we must have earn more and have a stable income. Indirectly, we will have the ability to take care of our family.Then, that is a suitable time for marriage. Therefore, that is why many people claim that career might to come before marriage. On the other hand, we should also look into the effects of marriage on career. After marriage, we cannot put in all of our effort into career alone. We must take care of our family too. Incidently, we cannot concentrate in our career and do as wel l as we hope to. For those who do not yet have children, this may not be a problem. But when we have children after marriage, we have to spend more time on our children and family.Hence, there are many women who do not go to work after having children as they have to take care of their children. Therefore, career is adversely affected by the marriage and children. Other than that, we often face many problems when we stent up our own family, such as rebelliansand disobediant children, sibling rivalry among the kid and so on. This family problems will affect our emotion and mind. Hence, we cannot concentrate in our career and will also make mistakes when we work. For an instant, our children are so naughty and do not listen to us, we will feel angry and scold them.When we go to work, we will still be in the state of anger then we may make mistakes as we are still thinking of our children. Therefore, our career will be affected by that. In a nutshell, we will face many problems after m arriage that will make us unable to concentrate in our career and do well in career. Therefore, many people think career must come before marriage. Maybe some person will disagree as they are not affected by the marriage. They can arrange the career and family very well. But, in my view, I think it is better to have successful career before marriage.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Literature that Changed America Essays

Literature that Changed America Essays Literature that Changed America Essay Literature that Changed America Essay Every now and then a piece of literature will come around and change the world. Maybe it will start a revolution or shine light on an important issue, no matter what there will be a transformation in culture. Only looking back into retrospect can one recognize how much of an impact has been actually left by pieces of significant literature. Common Sense by Thomas Paine, Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe and, The Jungle by Upton Sinclair are among just a few pieces that have radically changed and shaped the American Society. By January 1776, the colonies were in open conflict with Britain. They werent fighting in self-defense or to protect their property, but for independence. It took a hard reversal to move Americans from proclaimed reliability to announced rebellion, and it came from asubstantial part in Thomas Paines Common Sense. Thomas Paine was born in London, England into a quaker family. He was not well educated but was able to master reading, writing, and arithmetic. His early life was filled with many hardships including not being able to keep a job and the unfortunate death of his wife during childbirth. At a time when nothing in his life was going in the right direction, he met Benjamin Franklin. Franklin soon advised Paine to move to America and convinced him to become a writer. In 1774, Paine emigrated to Philadelphia, and after only one year he became co-editor of the Pennsylvania Magazine. After the Battle of Lexington in 1975, â€Å"Paine argued that America should not simply revolt ag ainst taxation, but demand independence from Great Britain entirely† (â€Å"Thomas Paine Biography† 2). And on January 10, 1776, he put this idea to work and published a 50 page pamphlet titled Common Sense. In this pamphlet, he explains why the people must stand up against King George III and the British Parliament. Due to how unfair they treated the colonies, Paine thought it was time to revolt. After studying the tension be

Monday, November 4, 2019

Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Taxation - Essay Example Therefore, progressive taxation means that the rich pay more taxes compared to those earning minimal wages. On the other hand, regressive tax compels the poor to pay a higher percentage of their income compared to the rich. Buffett’s views are not in isolation because the American taxation system has been criticized as being regressive (Mikesell, 2014). It is possible that Buffett made his claims based on mistaken calculations. A close analysis of the basic federal taxation principles reveals that it is impossible for his receptionist to be paying a higher percentage of tax. Warren Buffett has a higher total taxable income compared to his receptionist. Evidently, the tax he is supposed to pay represents only a small percentage of his income. On the other hand, his receptionist and other workers who have a lower total taxable income face the compulsion of paying a higher fraction of their income as tax. In addition, it is possible that Buffett took into account the employer-paid payroll taxes that his receptionist does not pay. The inclusion of such taxes made his receptionist seem to be paying a higher percentage. Therefore, the federal taxation system is not regressive. Unfortunately, Warren Buffett’s claims do not have any substantial evidence (p.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Sustainable Destination Development Research Paper

Sustainable Destination Development - Research Paper Example Soccer events as world cup are a prime tourist attraction to the destination country. The economic impacts of tourism during such events as soccer may be negative or positive. Tourism attraction by soccer events presents an avenue of increasing employment opportunities for the population of a country. There are additional opportunities that can absorb the population without employment. Opportunities are available for the technical and professional positions and the informal sector employees. Increased employment among the population is helpful in boosting the population’s living standards. The population, therefore, gets high-income that that further improves the economy of the country. Soccer events need the host country to set up and develop required infrastructures. These include roads and highways, railway lines, stadiums and other essential infrastructures. This increases the country’s level of development in terms of infrastructure. Infrastructural development is vital in supporting economic growth. Infrastructures are also forms of investments and mark an improved investment by the country. There is a remarkable improvement of other utilities in the host country. Such utilities contribute to economic development since they are a principal form of investments and revenue sources. Utilities set include water, sewer lines, restrooms and others as sidewalks. The host country receives revenues from social occasions as soccer events. Costs and charges as fees for utility users are a substantial revenue source. Income from taxation on goods consumed during the events tends to rise with the surge in population. This becomes a dominant source of revenue and a boost to the growth of the country’s economy. The increased number of visitors in the host country calls for a high demand for retail products. There are a number of new retail businesses, set to meet the demand of the high population of tourists and natives in